A Study of methodology on convergence education for enhancement of creative and convergent thinking - Focused on Case Study of 「Crossover 1: Humanities」 |
Yeon Jae Jeong |
창의융복합적 사고 함양을 위한 융합교육 방안 연구 |
정연재 |
Abstract |
This paper attempts to investigate the methodology as a convergence education model for enhancing of creative thinking at General Education. More specifically, this paper is a descriptive case study of ‘Crossover 1: Humanities’, which is a core general course for Science and Engineering Students at Inha University. The purpose of this course is cultivation of humanistic qualities and promotion of creative and convergent thinking. During this course, students will have opportunities to understand and deliberate central issues on human nature and human values, including happiness, social justice, human dignity et al. This sudy is suggestive that topic-centered learning, learner-centered Learning and collaborative learning is effective to promoting creative and convergent thinking and cultivating the core competence of this course. This study will contribute to confirm the importance of convergence basic education and to exploring the future direction of convergence education. |
Key Words:
convergence education, crossover, Topic-centered Learning, Learner-centered Learning, Collaboration-based Learning, Competence-based Learning |