Exploring The Effect of Collaborative Learning in the Development of Writing Topic and Personality Factor |
Min-Jeong Jo, Sung-Su Kim |
글쓰기 주제 전개 및 인성 요소 계발에서 협력학습의 효과 |
조민정, 김성수 |
Abstract |
In this study, we suggested that the learner can form his/her ethical viewpoint by interacting with various genre of reading materials and collaborative learning, and encourage them to actively participate in the topic search based on finding evidence supporting it respectively. We also observed that it is meaningful to design and carry out the process of collaborative learning in order to utilize the results of this activity for the second language learners, the overseas Koreans and the foreign learners, in the structure and content development of the writing. Through the design of strategies and processes of collaborative learning, learners form ethical perspectives on the hero’s action in the film Doubt and go through the process of developing such a viewpoint. As a result, it was recognized and confirmed that collaborative learning, which reflects the structure of various academic purpose writing required by foreign universities and overseas Koreans, is important for internalizing students’ topics with their own knowledge, and is an important educational source in applying such knowledge to writing. In addition, it was confirmed that various cooperation and discussion activities can contribute to change the writing process to be logical and dynamic, such as by supporting or expanding the topic, and showing its limitations. |
Key Words:
Collaborative Learning, Interaction, Making contents, Ethnic View, Personality Element |