Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2015;9(3):163-192.
Published online September 30, 2015.
The study on the direction of development in the course of a liberal education to enhance creative and integrated thinking competency
HyoJeong Hong, JaeKyung Lee
창의·융합적 사고역량 강화를 위한 교양교육과정 개발 방향 탐색
홍효정, 이재경
Recently, our society is turning into the age of digital revolution when people can make different activities at a time, which results in the academic change of knowledge integration other than technology integration. In the face of these changes, the universities are now trying to make a variety of changes and new attempts for the education to raise talented students who meet the needs of the society. This study, in order to deal with the needs of the society for the course of a liberal education, redefines the concept of thinking ability that is emphasized nowadays, and checks out the changes in it. Therefore, it was considered that the meaning of the creative and integrated thinking abilities focusing on the results of previous studies. In addition, the research monitored the status quo of the course of a liberal education, and then set the direction of development in the liberal education to enhance the creative and integrated thinking abilities as follows. Firstly, the universities set the specific goals after reflecting what kinds of students they will raise and what they have to do for that. Secondly, in order to achieve the goals, they select proper and various contents while applying them to all the liberal education courses, not limited to some class subjects. Thirdly, professors create a lecture map of the class subjects for all the courses of a liberal education, and write detailed syllabuses, so that those courses are systematically applied. Fourthly, they find the appropriate model of teaching on the creative and integrated ideas, and develop exacting standards and methods for the assessment. Lastly, administrative and financial supports will be offered as a form to systematically design and operate the framework of the development direction to educational course for the improved thinking abilities of creativity and integration. The results of this study can be used as the basic material to give a direction to the course of a liberal education in the future while figuring out the status quo of a liberal education which includes the national creative and integrated thinking abilities.
Key Words: creative thinking competency, integrated thinking competency, a liberal education, the course of a liberal education, education goal


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