Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2019;13(4):207-233.
Published online August 30, 2019.
An Analysis of the Determinants Influencing the Improvement of University Students Core Competencies
Moo Jeoung Cho, Sun Ill Choi
대학생의 핵심역량 증진에 영향을 미치는 결정요인 분석
조무정, 최선일
This study analyzed the Positive and negative determinants that affect the enhancement of the core competencies of A university students in the metropolitan area. To this end, 7,914 case A university students were surveyed using A university s core competency assessment tools, which consist of three competencies: Communication, Creativity and Convergence. The following are the determinants that influence the enhancement of university students core competencies. First, boys over girls had a positive impact on their creative abilities and a negative impact on their communication competency. Second, the third grade had a positive impact on communication competency compared to the first grade, and the fourth grade had a negative effect on creative and convergence competency. Third, it has been shown that all colleges have a positive impact on their communication competency compared to music colleges, and on their creative capacity, except for the department of arts, sports, and industry and convergence, and division of international studies. On the other hand, engineering and natural sciences colleges had a negative impact on convergence competency. Fourth, it was found that special admissions had a positive impact on communication skills and new admissions had a positive impact on creative competency, but both types had a negative effect on convergence competency. Fifth, early admissions had a positive effect on convergence competency, and transfer studies had a negative effect on convergence competency. Sixth, English-only lectures had a positive impact on communication competency. Seventh, GPA had a positive impact on both communication, creativity and convergence competency. Finally, the language and expressive domain, e-learning and basic science were found to have a positive effect on communication competency, and the classical reading domain also had a positive effect on communication competency and creativity competency. As a result of the study, this study is meant to be a basic study of core competency-based curriculum, which can be referred to several universities that want to introduce core competences into their curriculum and is the basis for the subsequent study of competency-based curriculum.
Key Words: Core Competency, Competency-Based Curriculum, General Education


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