Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2017;11(3):263-302.
Published online June 30, 2017.
Effects of the ACE Project on Selected Variables of Student Engagement and Performance in General Education
Sang Hoon Bae, Eun Jong Ra, Song Ie Han
학부교육 선도대학 육성사업이 대학생의 학습과정과 교양기초교육 성과에 미치는 영향
배상훈, 라은종, 한송이
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of the Advancement of College Education (ACE) project on student engagement and learning outcomes in general education. The study examined the degree of growth of the 2014 freshman cohort in outcome variables as they advance through their degree programs. K-NSSE data was analyzed that the Korean Council for University Education and the ACE Council annually collect from four year college students across the nation. This study includes a sample of 25,489 students from 17 ACE universities that performed the ACE project for three consecutive years (2014-2016) and from 31 non-ACE universities. Given the hierarchical nature of the data, three-level multilevel modeling was performed. Independent variables were as follows: gender, high school GPA, family income (at the student level); year (at the time level); and location, size, research capacity, educational resources, and average high school GPA (at the university level). The findings suggest that controlling for other variables, students from the ACE universities show a higher level of higher-order learning compared to students from the non-ACE universities. Except for working effectively with others , ACE universities were found to have higher levels of learning outcomes in general education, compared to their counterparts. While students from the ACE universities indicate greater growth in time spent to prepare for class for three years in comparison with their counterparts, other variables were not the case. Based on the study results, the ACE project is validated in terms of its policy goal to improve the capacity of general education of the four year university.
Key Words: ACE 사업, ACE project, student engagement, general education, multi-level growth model


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