Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2013;7(2):429-447.
Published online April 30, 2013.
Role of the ability for the critical reason in the writing process
Young Chul Kim
글쓰기 과정에서의 비판적 사유 능력 역할
Writing is not simply a way of expression, but the process of thinking. So to speak, writing is the result that is generated due to the interaction of thinking and expression. Thinking refers to all mental activities in the process to identify and determine the target of any organized and structured content. These comprehensive mental activity, we also referred to as a process of critical thinking. Accordingly critical Writing is said actively writing while it is understanding analyzing, and evaluating more deeply and multifacetedly dimension people s claim through enough thought. Writing as critical thinking is the center of the writing about problem-solving approach knowledge that is procedural knowledge rather than propositional knowledge, or knowledge about narrative writing. So through writing and pinpoint the problem, the ability to present the most reasonable solutions to problems can be cultured. First of all critical writing is active writing that objectively analyze and evaluate it to understand more various aspects of people s thinking claiming or feeling. And it is writing activity to perform the appropriate and reasonable information and find ways to solve the problem in such a way as to describe the process of self-evaluation and analysis of the issues raised without uncritically accept ideas and information from one person to another.
Key Words: critical writing, creative writing, problem-solving writing, critical thinking, communication ability, critico-creative thinking


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