A Study on the Development of as a General Education Course |
MinGyu Seo |
기초교육으로서의 논리와 사고 교과개발 연구 |
서민규 |
Abstract |
Education of logic and/or critical thinking plays a substantial role as basic general education to strengthen college students’ study competency. It aims to promote higher-oder or integral thinking ability and in its result to help students’ problem-solving ability. The general contents of logic and/or critical thinking courses cover logical analysis, critical evaluation, and rational problem-solving parts, and thus they are coincident with its educational aim. In this paper, , the mandatory course of Chung-Ang University general education program, is under review as an example of the basic general education at issue. In addition to serve as higher-oder or integral thinking education, should compromise the forms and contents of the traditional ‘logic’ course and the new model of ‘critical thinking’. Thus consists of Logical Reasoning(LR) and Critical Thinking(CT) parts largely, and it is systematized to realize logical analysis, critical evaluation, and rational problem-solving elements in its subordinate areas. Analyzing the outcomes of education so far, what is exceedingly needed to improve its educational role is to diversify its forms and contents to conform with the study areas of the students who take the course. |
Key Words:
Logic, Critical Thinking, Higher-order Thinking, Problem-solving Abtitude, General Education |