The Effects of experience of Extracurricular Programs on the Interpersonal Competencies of University Students |
Sanghyon Baek |
대학생의 비교과 교육 활동 경험이 대인관계역량에 미치는 영향 |
백상현 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of experience of extracurricular programs at universities on interpersonal competencies which emphasized as students core competence.
Extracurricular programs includes mentor program, writing program, language program, job capability program, internship, practicum, study group activity, community services activity, interests group activity, language study training abroad/exchange student programs. To answer the research questions of the study, the data of ‘Korean Education Longitudinal Study(KELS)’ were analyzed using the hierarchical linear model, considering the nested structure of the data set. Major findings are as follows.
The variables of job capability program, internship, practicum, community services activity, and interests group activity showed positive correlations with interpersonal competencies. interests group activity was found to have the greatest effects on interpersonal competencies. Second, among context variables, GPA, classroom engagement, satisfaction on university education, student-faculty interaction. In conclusion, this study suggested some policy implications to improve college students’ interpersonal competencies. |
Key Words:
University Students, extracurricular program, Interpersonal Competencies, HLM(Hierarchical Linear Model) |