Need Analysis of Foreign Undergraduates for Blended Learning : Focusing on the subject Thingking and Writing |
Sunkyung Oh, Sunyoung Lee, Seonsuk Ryu, Halim Han |
블렌디드 러닝에 대한 외국인 학부생 대상 요구조사 연구 |
오선경, 이선영, 류선숙, 한하림 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to find the direction to develop the blended Korean language course of subject. This subject is Korean language lecture for the undergraduates from foreign countries, and so far it has only been conducted as face-to-face classroom instruction. However, since each learner has different understanding ability and the class time is limited, there is a limit to cultivate Korean language proficiency and to develop critical thinking ability only by classroom instruction. In this paper, we intended to propose a method to enable the undergraduates from foreign countries to learn Korean language on their own initiative regardless of time and place, and apply the blended Korean language course which utilizes online classes to the classroom instruction. For this purpose, we conducted a need analysis for the development of blended Korean language courses for 281 undergraduates from foreign countries attending subject. As a result, 66.2% of learners showed a positive response to the opening of the addition of online classes. In addition, 60% of the learners who wanted the online classes preferred the form of the online class utilized for the preparation and review of the classroom instruction. This study decided to utilize the online class in order to maximize the educational effects of the classroom instruction, and suggested the divided instructional process utilizing the blended learning into the understanding area and the expression area. |
Key Words:
Korean language courses, Korean language liberal arts education, undergraduates from foreign countries, blended learning, need analysis |