The Effect of the Big Five Personality Traits on Learning Ability Mediated by Motivation and Anxiety - Focused on the Constructivism |
Kyung-Mi Kim |
성격5요인이 학습동기와 언어불안을 매개로 학습능력에 미치는 영향분석 |
김경미 |
Abstract |
This study focuses on the foreign language learning center based on constructivism, which is a learner who constructs the meaning of experience and knowledge by interacting with the outside world. For this purpose, we examined the effect of learner personality factors as causal factors, learning motivation and anxiety as mediation factors, on the learning ability of foreign language using PLS structural equation modeling. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, in the case of women, communication anxiety increased with higher neuroticism, but in the case of men, affinity factor had a statistically significant effect on communication anxiety. Second, in the case of men, the anxiety factor increased as the affinity increased, which served as a negative factor, but the interest in foreign language learning increased as the affinity increased, which served as a positive factor. Third, factors influencing foreign language learning scores were anxiety factors rather than learning motives. Fourth, in the case of communication anxiety, negative effects on word scores were observed in women, whereas test anxiety had negative effects on idiomatic scores and vocabulary scores in males. This study is based on 120 freshman students of one university in Busan which can’t be generalized as a university student in the whole Korea. However, it was possible to analyze empirically the effect of personality factors, learning motivation, and anxiety factors on test scores by analyzing test scores and surveys. We expect more advanced research in the future. |
Key Words:
Big Five Personality Traits, Constructivism, Learning Ability, Learning Motivation, Learning AnxietyThe Effect of the Big Five Personality Traits on Learning Ability Mediated by Motivation and Anxiety |