A Case Study on Foreign Language Education Utilizing the Self-Reflection Notes |
Younghee Kim, Jinyoung Jang |
SRN을 활용한 외국어 수업 사례 연구 |
김령희, 장진영 |
Abstract |
This paper aims to analyze the results of utilizing the self-reflection notes (SRN) in foreign language courses to induce learners’ self-study, to settle problems that are not covered in class, and to facilitate active interactions between an instructor and students. In tandem with this aim, the researchers conducted the SRN in English courses and Japanese courses at K university located in South Korea in the 1st and 2nd semesters of 2016. The following are the results of this case study. In the Academic English classes and the Japanese language classes, students invested an average of 1-3 hours per week in studying for the given course and admitted that the grammatical aspects were the most difficult for them. In this case, the researchers attempted to offer individual feedback to each student or to provide additional explanations to all the students to help them better understand what they had previously learned. Meanwhile, the researchers modified specific application methods according to the situation of each course. Therefore, in the case of the English courses, the score of the SRN was reduced in the second semester, and the mode of the SRN was also changed from online to offline. In the case of the Japanese courses, however, the score of the SRN was increased in the second semester. Through the online and offline SRN, the researchers identified that the students checked their learning process for themselves during the course, tried to enhance their language competence, and were motivated to learn more based on these reflections. The questionnaires about the SRN conducted at the end of each semester show the students’ positive sentiments toward the SRN and contain their suggestions to improve the SRN. Further, a learning tool such as the SRN, which offers opportunities for self-reflection, can be of significant help not only to the students but also to the instructors in improving the quality of education. |
Key Words:
자기성찰노트(SRN), foreign language education, self-reflection note (SRN), teaching method, learning method, learning tool, reflexive thinking |