Examination of recognition and effectiveness of University speaking lesson using Flipped Learning- Focusing on in Hanshin University |
Ju-hyun Song |
플립러닝을 활용한 대학말하기 수업에 대한 인식과 효과성 검토 |
송주현 |
Abstract |
This study applied ‘Flipped Learning’ as a teaching method for effective learning to ‘Effective Communication and Creative Speaking’, which is a subject for discussion and deepening debate, and examined its effectiveness through specific questionnaires do.
Flipped Learning newly establishes the subject of the class as a student. This study solves the existing negative misconceptions about Flipped Learning and confirms the value of Flipped Learning through concrete contents of the lesson. As a result, I have confirmed that I have achieved considerable achievements in terms of teaching-learning methodology, classroom environment, relieving communication anxiety, high cognitive utilization, and class achievement.
Flipped Learning is an innovative teaching and learning method. However, this can not be the only solution to the problem of all teaching and learning methods. However, the educational significance can be found in that students are actively involved and lead the class. This change of perspective will be a meaningful starting point for fundamental changes in education. |
Key Words:
Flipped Learning, University speaking, Discussion, Thinking and Expression, Teaching and Learning Methods, Effective Communication and Creative Speaking |