Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2009;3(2):5-22.
Published online December 30, 2009.
New Status of General Education and Projects for its Enrichmen
Dong-Hyun Son
교양교육의 새로운 위상과 그 강화 방책
General education, in the sense of cultivating human being into person as a whole, has become very important today more than ever. For it is meaningfull as groundwork of “convergent” education in higher level, which is needed today in Information Society. “Digital Revolution” has brought such a drastic change in social life and also in geography of knowledge that “convergence” takes place not only in technologies and industries but also in most of intellectual activities of contemporary man. Digital technology has weakened the spatio-temporal restriction in human activities so that the human desires demand simultaneous satifaction and as a result of it the means of its satisfaction, the knowledge or technology, have become also complicated and convergent. Now technical knowledge in any specialized area is helpless if there lacks a kind of insight which can command an overview over several areas. General education renders us such insight and lay the groundwork for the convergent education in higher level.
Key Words: 인간형성(Bildung), culture(Bildung), general education, digital technology, spatio-temporal restriction, convergence of technologies and industries, convergent education


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