Clustering Life Core Competencies of University Students |
Seonghye Yoon |
대학생 생애핵심역량 유형 군집화 |
윤성혜 |
Abstract |
In recent years, competency-based education has been emphasized in higher education, and core competency has become an important indicator for quality management of university education. The author, therefore, tried to derive the types of core competencies of university students through cluster analysis in order to gain implications for the practice of competency-based education.
For this purpose, 1,284 university students in Korea were surveyed for the cognitive, affective, and sociocultural domains of core competency, and k-means cluster analysis was conducted to derive the types.
Through examination of the profile, each of the derived types was named: well-rounded type, cognitive type, prosocial type, counter-cognitive type, and unexercised type. In addition, a chi-squared test was conducted to determine how the types of core competencies of university students were distributed according to gender, grade, and major. As a result, there were significant differences in the distribution of core competency types according to gender and grade.
Based on the results of the study, the author proposed an appropriate educational prescription for each type of learner in competency-based education at university. |
Key Words:
University student, higher education, competency-based education, core competency, cluster analysis |