Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2016;10(4):543-578.
Published online December 30, 2016.
Study of Classic Reading for Development of Creativity and Critical Thinking - Focusing on ‘Classics Reading’ Lessons with Literary Debates
Ok Hee Kang
창의성과 비판적인 사고능력 개발을 위한 고전읽기 수업방안 연구
Liberal arts lectures in universities relying on reading, are an important tool to promote students creative and critical thinking power throughout the debate and essay writing. Several universities have been opening up the lecture based on reading the liberal arts and Sangmyung university is currently giving out the lecture as well following on the universities cultural education. The purpose of this research is to seek the way on giving the lecture to expand the scope of one s critical and creative thinking by the example of the lecture . lecture aims at the debate about giving thoughts on the text which the learners hold the central place and minimizes the roles of the teacher while reading the literature actively. Literature debate refers to considering the varieties in the interpretation of the text in literature, composing overall meaning through the experience and the interpretation of the learner. It shows how variously can the learners interpret the subjects not made uniformly or by the teacher but by themselves according to the lecture. It is also able to find how they expand their analytic and creative thinking ability throughout the process on the literature analysis by the prism of the experience they have.
Key Words: classics reading, literature debate, creative thinking, critical thinking


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