The effects of creativity general arts education of interdisciplinary convergence based on flipped learning utilizing movie |
SeongWon Kim, JeongJin Youn |
영화를 활용한 플립러닝 기반의 학제간 융합 창의성 교양수업 효과 |
김성원, 윤정진 |
Abstract |
In this study, we experienced creativity general arts education of interdisciplinary convergence based on flipped learning utilizing movie, and explored actual application management example during one semester. The participants of the study are 44 students who took the general arts education「interdisciplinary convergence through movie」which created by D university in Busan Metropolitan City at the first semester in 2016, and we chose 20 students randomly as the research participants. The result of study is as in the following. First, through the ‘creativity general arts education of interdisciplinary convergence based on flipped learning utilizing movie’ class, it seemed that the different professors like education, IT, design met and did various activities, so they knew the ‘interdisciplinary convergence’ major. Second, through the ‘creativity general arts education of interdisciplinary convergence based on flipped learning utilizing movie’ class, it connected social relationships, and it seemed that recognition change about general arts education is as the response of students like ‘It is special and new.’ Thus, we suggest that sometimes wide schoolyard and natural space makes students study funny and awaken ideas. Also it makes the interaction between general arts education and major with other majors as interdisciplinary conference. |
Key Words:
Movie, Creativity, Interdisciplinary convergence, Flipped learning |