Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2016;10(4):139-180.
Published online December 30, 2016.
Types of Sentence Errors That Appeared in Korean Overseas South Korean Learners Writing - Centering on the case of separated class students of the Division of International Studies, Ewha Womans University
Dallim Shon
재외국민 학습자의 글쓰기에 나타난 문장 오류 분석
This paper is aimed to examine the conditions of sentence errors that appeared in overseas South Korean learners’ writing centering on the case of students of the Division of International Studies, Ewha Womans University and seek for effective sentence education methods based on the results. Separated class students of the Division of International Studies, Ewha Womans University entered the university through integrated examinations(regular·non-scheduled) but they have characteristics as overseas South Korean learner. They are differentiated from both local learners and foreign learners and they show differences in Korean language ability, in particular, in reading and writing abilities by individual within the same separated class. However, Ewha Womans University operates this separated class with the same teaching materials and curricula as those of other separated classes (local learner) and applies the same evaluation system. However, given the learner characteristics of separated class students of the Division of International Studies, different writing education methods by college and by level are necessary for them. Therefore, in the present study, interviews in writing with major professors of the Division of International Studies as well as interviews with students were conducted. According to the results, the interviewees strongly revealed demands for practical expression ability rather than logical reasoning ability in writing classes for new students. In particular, they emphasized the necessity of basic knowledge to write and read scientific writings while requesting to prepare education methods and evaluation criteria considering level differences among learners. To understand the characteristics of students of the Division of International Studies as overseas South Korean learners and identify differences by level, in the present study, errors in sentence layers were analyzed. The types and frequencies of errors that appeared in the writings of students in the separated class of the Division of International Studies and those of students in other separated classes were compared and according to the results, the students in the separated class of the Division of International Studies particularly showed many errors related to the sentence structures of Korean language (errors in compliance of sentence components and errors in the use of postpositions or endings) as well as errors in writing styles(translation style, colloquial style expression). In addition, the numbers of times errors were compared among students within the separated class of the Division of International Studies and according to the results, differences in sentence constructing ability were large among the students. Therefore, the current class operation method and education method that do not consider the learner characteristics of students of the Division of International Studies and differences in learning ability among the students should be improved. In particular, the contents of education on the aspect of expression skills such as sentence constructing ability and sentence arranging ability should be reinforced. As for the operation of classes, separated classes should be organized considering the characteristics of colleges and differences by level and independent evaluation systems are necessary.
Key Words: Korean Overseas South Korean Learners, writing education methods, types of Sentence Errors, errors related to the sentence structures, errors in writing styles
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