A Study on the Improvement according to cause using the Language survey by University Student’s |
Jong-ho Bak, Bo-Eun Kim |
대학생들의 언어 사용 실태와 그 원인에 따른 개선 방안 연구 |
박종호, 김보은 |
Abstract |
As the internet use is in common recently, the relevant linguistic characteristics are broadly appearing. Of these, the language used by University Student is severely corrupted and even beyond standard level. In University Student, while their cognitive thoughts and habits are formed by the languages used during that period of which role is highly important. It is the proper use of language in the adolescent which can build up the sound self awareness and help its inner growth. This study is to prepare improvement plans for education by analyzing the current use of slang which is negatively setting in University Student’s languages. |
Key Words:
University[College] Student, Culture, Language, Slang, Improvement |