Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2015;9(2):309-346.
Published online June 30, 2015.
A Study on the Development of Visual Art Class to Promote Critical Thinking Ability - Focusing on Fine Art Studio Work
MinGyu Seo, Bommsoon Lee
비판적 사고 능력 함양을 위한 시각예술 수업 방안 연구
서민규, 이봄순
This study tries to reveal the necessity of critical thinking education at the field of visual art, and suggests a detailed educational way of promoting critical thinking skill and attitude in the visual art class. For this, the main part of this study goes through the reason and justification of the needs of critical thinking skill and attitude in visual art education, the problems of the existing curriculum of visual art, and the specific alternative method to overcome that problems. This study additionally opens the possibility of a new general education class for the non-art- major students, because the suggesting new class does not need any prepared technique of treating basic art skills like dessin and drawing. The current university students are very familiar with visual culture rather than traditional text-oriented environment. Thus we even expect that the new critical thinking curriculum in the medium of art creating will supplement the existing critical thinking class focused on just text analysis and evaluation. For the future study we suggest the empirical research to show the educational effects of this curriculum development.
Key Words: critical thinking, creative problem-solving, visual art, media literacy, conceptual art


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