Proposition for a class models as a Epic conversations for a integrative class of speaking/Listening - mainly due to the Bookteller and Living Library |
So Eun Kim |
말하기와 듣기의 통합적 수업을 위한 서사적 대화 형태로서의 수업 모형 제안 |
김소은 |
Abstract |
This study tried to conduct a epic conversations as an integrated mode for a speaking/listening. Epic conversations is a dialogue for a dialogue contributors not only to provide simply technology for a speaking/listening but also to build a change in his or her life and a point of view through a storytelling of his or her experience. Therefore, I presented a model of a Bookteller and a Living library for this.
A Bookteller is a class for information about a book, on the other hand, Living library is a class for information about a a man or woman as a book. A common point of view of this classes is to tell a story. A story could boost an interest and a concern of learners for a bored and difficult class because of making fun and entertainning for anyone. Also, it could deeply affect all classes for learner’s life making play positively his or her part in class and reviving for a class.
In this respect, a Bookteller and a Living library could not only play role in class for an epic conversations but also make a changes of view for a life trying to conclude the mutual relationship. Also, they contributed to give a new look of ability for a speaking/listening about what do you say and what do you listen. |
Key Words:
speaking, listening, epic conversations, Bookteller, Living library, class model |