Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2014;8(1):249-280.
Published online February 28, 2014.
Course Satisfaction Co-varying with Academic Achievement in the Introduction to Psychology Course Is Differentiated among Undergraduate Students Who Have Different Admission Conditions.
Maeng-Sik Shin
입학 특성이 다른 대학생들의 교양심리 강좌에서의 학업 성취도 및 강의 만족도에 대한 연구
Nowadays, many admission officers in Korean universities or colleges are willing to recruit full-time college students who are simultaneously performing their full-time occupational duties, and educate them to keep up with current rapidly-changing global socio- and educational-environments. These students are basically different from regular full-time students in that they have already had plenty of professional pre-collegiate experience. These students are presumed to have differentiated characteristics from regular students in attitude, motivation, interest, ability of memory consolidation, etc. regarding academic learning, readiness and/or participation. However, most instructors teaching academic courses at college tend to utilize same or similar pedagogic strategies over both regular and occupational students. The present study was conducted to examine whether there exists difference in academic achievement(AA), class satisfaction(CS) and relation between these two over college students who differ in their admission conditions. The present ANOVA on total scores revealed significant differentiations in the scores among three student groups: Regular student group (RS), mixed student group consisting of regular students and students frequently engaged in their occupational training(MS) and full-time worker student group(FS). That is, the scores were significantly higher in the order of RS> MS> FS. In subsequent frequency analyses on students course evaluation data, most students of the three groups evaluated the instructor s teaching performances positive in critical subunits of the CS: Lecture contribution, lecture communicability, lecture satisfaction, lecture material appropriacy. Consistent with the result of the AA, more students favored the instructor in the order of RS > MS > FS in each of these subunits. On the contrary, even though a few students generally evaluated the instructor negative, fewer students were observed in negative scale marks on the Likert’s Scale in the oder of RS < MS < FS on each subunit. Taken together, the CS co-varying with AA differed among the three student groups, depending on their admission conditions; in the order of FS < MS < RS. Notably, the observation that the FS is lowest in both the AA and the CS is thought to have presumably arisen from its least comprehension of the class due to several factors including lower motivation to learning or more negative attitude towards the instructor or the course, and insufficiency in memory consolidation presumably combined to relative lack of pre-collegiate academic readiness or time investment to the learning. The author therefore suggests that current undifferentiated pedagogic strategies over the three distinctive admission groups should be changed to differentiated ones that can reflect their different attitude, motivation, interest, etc. It is also suggested that faculty evaluators should provide incentives to instructors responsible for courses for the FS.
Key Words: Academic achievement, Course satisfaction, Class comprehension, Admission condition, Full-time worker student, Class size
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