Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2014;8(1):113-169.
Published online February 28, 2014.
A Analysis 3of the Formal Illformed Types in Writing of University Students - Problems of Phrases, Sentences, Paragraphs and Articles level
Eon-Hak Jeong
대학생 글쓰기의 형식적 오류 분석
This thesis described that illformed types were often arisen from writing of university students in phrases level, sentences level, paragraphs level and articles level. For it I analyzed many data of composition were written by university students. Firstly, on phrases level the misusage of possessive maker, the sentences of translated style, spacing mistakes, and others were showed. Nextly, on sentences level the illformd and inaccurate sentences, the wrong usage of spaces, commas or other punctuation marks, and the wrong usage of case makers or postpositions and endings were showed. Thirdly, on paragraphs level the problems of the division of paragraphs and the statemant of a paragraph, the misusage of conjunction in a paragraph, and others were showed. Finally, on articles level the problems following on the writing of a opening parograph and a concluding paragraph, the giving a title to articles, the application of five W s and one H were showed. This illformed types will be taken advantage of the field of university students teaching on fundamental writing. From now on, we should investigate more various illformed types in detail.
Key Words: illformed types, spacing mistakes, illformd sentences, punctuation marks, division of paragraphs, writing of paragraphs
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