A study on storytelling methodology to improve speaking skills of university students |
Sang Min Lee |
대학생의 말하기 능력 향상을 위한 스토리텔링 방법론 연구 |
이상민 |
Abstract |
Concerns about speaking education in university has been increased as the significance of speaking skills has been evoked in today’s society and employment site. Speaking education in university is focused on the functional performance for presentation. In this study, we investigate storytelling methodology for improving student’s speaking skills. Today’s storytelling includes conducting and processing which transfer and share stories. In this study, we combine speaking education with marketing storytelling methodology. The contact points between the university’s speaking eduction and storytelling methodology are to persuade narrative nature, to involve a view of the world, to form a trusted relationship between speaker and audience. We study the following three aspects of utilizing storytelling methodology in the university speaking education. Those are, first, adding one message to one story, second, expressing opposing confliction clearly, and third, configurating via plot. These also are a part of the storytelling methodology implemented in the traditional literary for a long time. However, in this study, we propose storytelling as an effective methodology not by abstract concept but by practical methodology in university speaking education. |
Key Words:
speech, communication, storytelling, message, conflict, plot |