A special program for enhancing general education for freshmen of 2-3 years community colleges - A case study of S health college’s general education |
Hyun-Jae Choo |
전문대학 신입생을 대상으로 한 교양특별학기 사례연구 |
주현재 |
Abstract |
This study is a case study of a special program for general education namely, Vision Seum, developed and offered as a core general course for freshmen of S health college. This special program for general education was designed to enhance general education of community colleges and to help freshmen understand their major. Moreover, this program contains various interesting lectures which are offered by both college level and department level in 2 weeks. As soon as the program finished, a satisfaction research was conducted. The result of the research showed that firstly, many were satisfied with the program, secondly, many thought the program was helpful for their vision set up. |
Key Words:
general education of community college, personality education, special semester for general education |