Korean J General Edu Search


Korean Journal of General Education 2012;6(2):269-291.
Published online June 30, 2012.
Reality of University Education and the Social Demands
Byung-Sun Hong
대학교육의 현실과 사회적 요구
The purpose of this article is to study first the problem consciousness of social demand to the elastic confrontation of college. What do we expect and demand for the college including enterprises? The CEO’s ask to the college program reflecting on the competitive power of business to complete at the moment. Contemporary is, we can say, as knowledge-based society. In knowledge-based society its effective value is for the ability of knowledge adaptation or knowledge creation not for the knowledge itself. Because the creation of new knowledge and the ability of adaptation is to decide the competitive power of the nation and enterprise. In the knowledge-based society the process of producing new knowledge is the course of indicating and practicing the new solution for the present task we are facing. What we are adapting to a new knowledge is to understand the problem situation which we confront and to cultivate the ability of solving the problem. Consequently, the following three abilities mean the competitive power in the knowledge based society. First, the ability to arrange and analyze rationally the problem itself. Second, the ability to systematize the idea for solving the problem. Third, the ability to get the agreement from related group delivering correctly this idea to others. We must understand that in the aspect of enterprise they demand for the education of the fundamental knowledge based on these three abilities to the college. It is true that this fundamental knowledge should be accomplished by liberal arts education at the end.
Key Words: liberal arts education, enterprise, social demand, Productivity of enterprises, Skill formation


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